World of Warcraft
The Classic eras of World of Warcraft, particularly the Wrath of the Lich King version, dominated my gaming year. The picture above is my Wrath Paladin Merrie, wishing you a happy holiday. The hat does nothing for her hair. Merrie is still crawling along at 75 trying to dungeon and quest her way to 80.
Once the Hardcore version was released, my spouse and I migrated to playing that almost exclusively, despite 5 character deaths for me, and approximately 16 for my spouse.
I like being in a guild in Hardcore, even though there are no perks except for a bit of conversation with others about the game now and then. Our Dragonsworn guild got smaller every day then it was gone. I quit the Paladin guild as it was just too chest thumpingly manly for me. I normally get along better with men than women, but, good grief. Our joint play characters are now in Filthy Casuals, and by god I am that and more. So love the name. Nice people. I suspect most of the guildies are playing Season of Discovery.
My son is playing SOD as it is unfortunately called, and asked about a family guild there, but Mr Big is not interested, and my sister and her family are partially not playing, partially they’ve gone Horde, gasp. That my baby sister would do such a thing.
That said, in the Modern era (dubbed so by Holly Longdale in a post, and I like it) I have four Horde characters on a server. I only like the Undead Hunter.
She’s a level 9, a record for how high of a Horde character I’ve gotten. Such a different game. I have no idea where or what or who things are. At some point, my Hunter at least might get into known areas of the world, and I will just play away, all the while feeling guilty for going Horde, and imposter-ish (as if I carry a huge sign in game that says “SHE’S REALLY AN ALLIANCE PLAYER!!!!).
Yesterday I really cleared the decks and killed off quite a few characters, including a couple who have existed for a long time. Felt guilty, but I did deposit their usable resources and gold in the guild bank. My main realms are Blackwater Raiders, Earthen Ring and Proudmoore. We have “family guilds” on those. I’ve narrowed down the other realms I like to Wyrmrest Accord, Argent Dawn, and Silverhand. So those characters (mostly) live on. How I love having 60 character slots, but tsk is it really enough?
Despite all that, I started a new Gnome Mage and she is fabulous, with big blond hair and blue eyes. She will be a Fire Mage, my preferred type.
I need to mention my original Evoker died in the purge, but is replaced with a new, fully armored, much cooler Evoker.
It gets worse and worse, doesn’t it? I defied the advice to send every freaking character to Ardenweald and sent Atherne to Revendreth. What the hell. The storyline of Revendreth seems flimsy to not there at all. All I get are quests to the Maw, with side runs into Torghast the Ghastly. Then, I get quests to go help out in Bastion and Maldraxxus. I’m going to gut it out as Atherne is my main character, and she should do All The Things.
Since my Warlock was 61 and really a tough character (Ath got her butt handed to her in the Dragon Isles when I peeked in) I sent her to the Dragon Isles and she’s doing the butt kicking. Yo.
Elder Scrolls Online
At some point this year, I started playing this every day. I now have 6 level 50s. While there is plenty to do at max level that isn’t some dopey equivalent of Raiding, my addiction to character leveling caused me to buy a character slot with my puny Crown hoard. I used to have loads of Crowns when I didn’t play much. Buying houses all over, and even more fiendish, buying furniture that I don’t have to sell my soul to create, has me down to a paltry amount. Whine, whine.
Steam Sale, Winter Edition
I finally purchased Starfield, which is downloading as I write. Quite expensive even on sale. However, I’m a huge Bethesda fan, and how do I not get their first new IP in an age, particularly one set in space? I hope I like it as it’s a real space hog, and there’s nothing in my Steam library currently installed I care to uninstall.
I purchased Storyteller because it looked vaguely intriguing and I’d like to be a storyteller. Who knows?
In keeping with my building a Nancy Drew library at these sales, I purchased The Ghost of Thornton Hall. I’m still stuck back on the Egypt one, but I’ll get here 🙂
I can’t resist puzzles I can’t solve with pretty graphics and a loose story line, so I was intrigued by a newer version of this game, but thought I should start at the beginning. Good thing I married Mr. Logic.
My price point for buying games in these sales is $10.00 or less as an ideal. Fallout 76 is 7.99 this time around. I confess I find it intriguing because Biobreak plays it on occasion and seems to really like it. Though he and I are nothing alike, I have to say of the bloggers out there, he likes most of the types of games I like, so his recommendations are good. Also, my kid likes it, and for this type of game, he and I are peas in a pod.
I fear that since there are real people in the game and I’ve got a natural PVP Victim, Roast Me Now banner flying, I’ll be flattened pretty quickly, and will go whining back to the games where I’m only crushed by NPCs.
Somehow I made a big list of games that looked good and marked some “buy next time” on my sheet. Could squeak in a couple more yet.
Happy Adventuring! Atheren