Starting at the top, in Wow Hardcore, where we spend most of our time, we lost one of these level 15 characters because “I didn’t think we could die.” Yo. This server is all about dying. We are starting brand new characters. Got them to level 5 tonight. A little tense.
My main Hardcore character is a level 26 Paladin. Carefully creeping her along and hope to reach 30 by month’s end. She has spent an awful lot of time in the graveyard for someone who doesn’t want to die.
On the live servers, I’m back playing Atherne my Feral Druid main character. Still making her way through Revendreth, I visited Torghast for the first time. I’m not sure what I expected, but it was a bit disappointing. Waves of stuff. Yawn. I hate “waves of stuff” only a little less than escort missions. See me go.
I personally enjoyed the World of Warcraft section of Blizzcon, and found myself interested in playing the next expansion (s) The Worldsoul Saga. This means I will play my live server characters to level them and gear them up by next fall’s release.
I should mention I’m not playing Season of Discovery at all. Just not interested. I have three versions of the game to level characters in. Don’t need another.
Elder Scrolls Online
I have been playing this game so much. I’m heavily into crafting. I’ve got plans for each character as to how they move through the world. Just in the past few days I’ve finally tried Dungeon Finder. It works really well, queues aren’t too long. The dungeon designs are fantastical.
However. Groups are four people. These dungeons have been speed runs in all but a couple of cases. Literally, you have to jam on your sprint key the whole time. Trash mobs are ignored, you just barrel through them and race to the next boss.
The two pictures above aren’t the same dungeon. It’s just hard to take a moment to take a screenshot. As I’m doing these, I’m trying desperately to grab the quest at the beginning of the dungeon, clicking through dialog as fast as I can. I don’t dare get behind because I sure don’t know where I’m going. I just race along, killing what’s being killed.
On the plus side, anything you loot is filled with stuff you’d get if you killed the creatures on your own out in the world. You get loads of stuff in these dungeons. There’s gold, great gear. Kind of a heady experience, kind of stressful.
I’ve three characters at 50. Two Templars and a Nightblade. All feel much weaker at 50 than they did before getting there. I really despise the Champion points system. The graphics for the three skill trees, as far as seeing what to pick is terrible. Gack. I’ve been reading Champion Points guides but am not feeling it.