Atheren’s October Gaming Goals | The Last Chapter Gaming Blog

You’ll be pleased to know I accomplished virtually nothing of my goals for September.

Starfield-nope, nada. I overspent at the state fair, then went on vacation and overspent some more. So no Starfield at this time. My son made it sound good by saying it is “Fallout in Space”. It hasn’t come across that way in reviews or videos so far, but I trust the kid.

All the other exciting things listed? Not a moment played. Very sad.

Wrath Classic

Only peeking in despite the Joyous Journeys. My paladin is maybe the fifth character to run through the series of quests in Zul’Drak and it just is not feeling exciting. Going back in once Dungeon Finder arrives, though.

Wow HC

Not when your life is on the line everyday in Hardcore Classic. Today I have a level 17 1/2 Paladin (Patti Pounder 2.0), a level 10 Priest and another Paladin at level 10. The only reason the tens are alive is because they’re my main tailor and Blacksmith, and they haven’t been out adventuring for awhile.

I’ve lost four characters, two Paladins and Two priests. All stoopid deaths not following Patti’s rules for survival. Today, I killed off my Warrior because of a bug in the quest A Warrior’s Training. You talk to a guy named Harry Burlguard, then fight a drunk. I don’t know if it happens to you, but sometimes when you click on complete quest, nothing happens. So you close the box and re-open and then it works. Except, when I tried to re-open the dialog, nothing. No quest in my log to abandon and re-start. I went to Goldshire to talk to Lyria Du Lac, the original quest giver, but she had nothing. Looking up advice, the viable option seemed to be re-roll a new warrior and try again. (sniff). Down level 12 warrior, sorry. Got her name right back and everything though.

For me, losing this many characters is starting to be depressing. I could not be more careful. Possibly I will get my 17 Paladin to 20 and take a break.

I am getting a definite rats on a wheel feeling re-starting character after character. And crawling through the same quests over and over and over.

World of Warcraft Shadowlands

Ha all of my characters are still playing through Shadowlands. Atherne is in Revendreth, which at first seemed evil in a cartoon villain sort of way. Now I’m in a little further, I’m seeing Revendreth is yet another totally whacked vision of somebody’s concerning the afterlife. Even so, it’s a brand new bit of content, which makes it an adventure, and I’m happy enough.

In September, I only played World of Warcraft and Elder Scrolls Online.

Elder Scrolls Online

My Arcanist character is level 41. She’s done all of Glenumbra and Deshan, and has finished Northern Elsweyr. I wanted to like Elsweyr more, but there’s something harsh about the whole thing. Even so, it’s a beautiful area, and I find myself like a tourist just stopping and taking pictures of the views.

I really like areas that have loads of resources to pick up and delves with goodies galore. Elsweyr doesn’t seem to have many random resources tucked around, nor do the they have a nice load of treasure chests everywhere. Though there are some.

One thing Elsweyr does have are some exceptional khajiits. I just love khajiits.

Yes, I know one of these below is not a khajiit…

Ah, another thing I don’t care for in Elsweyr are the dragons! Frick, what tough fights.

My first Arcanist is a High Elf. I liked her so much I did the unthinkable a killed off a second Warden character to make a second Breton Arcanist.

This level 17 girl is taking on the Necrom content. Necrom certainly has a different feel from other areas of the game. My new buddy, for instance.

I’ve developed a routine for play sessions here. I pick an area to quest in and explore. For instance, Elsweyr. I work to fill in the map, criss-crossing the map on foot and gathering every herb and piece of wood I can find. In delves and elsewhere, I check every crate, barrel and backpack for treasures, particularly for new furniture recipes. I try not to miss a single log of wood that might have Heartwood in it for furniture. Every quest giver I come across, I help them as I can. I’m always scanning for treasure chests and have quite a good eye for seeing them in unexpected places.

The day ends when I’m out of inventory space or I’ve done a sequence of quests for the area. Then my adventurer puts all her green, blue and purple armor and weaponry she can’t use in the bank, as well as any furnishings recipes.

Then my main crafter grabs the recipes out of the bank, and learns any new ones and sells the rest. Visiting each crafting station in Auridon (my favorite place to craft), she deconstructs all the adventurer’s deposited armor and weapons, then looks to see if she can make any new furniture.

Then she pops around to inn rooms or other homes and does a bit of decorating. Here’s the Sugar Bowl Suite in Rimmen, Elsweyr.

Finally, those goals for October gaming?

Continue playing as above.

May break open a piggy jar to purchase:

Alan Wake 2. Yes, I haven’t finished the first game. So? The new character model is pretty scuzzy, though.

The new Alone in the Dark. The first version of this game made a huge impression on me. Not so sure this will keep the spirit of the original, but I must must have it.

Happy gaming! Atheren

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