We made it through another year! I couldn’t find a having a party meme generator picture, so it’s the skellie for you.
Even better, since I’m tired tonight…
Too good, right? I like the meme generator Imgflip. https://imgflip.com/
I know you’re on tenterhooks on behalf of my kitten in Stray.
My son was visiting and he got the kitten through the Zurgs with ease.
I ran her forward a bit to make sure she was past a save game point. She’s back to making impossible jumps through the cityscape.
World of Warcraft HC
Pattipounder lives. My spouse decided to join me. Luckily I had a level 3 Paladin who would be a Blacksmith and make better armor for Patti. She was perfect for leveling with his mage.
We ran quests together for a bit, then because we’d be doing the murlocs next, I had a picture taken with Pattipounder. Nice Pounder Family Portrait, right?
Back out with Paladin #2, we ran into trouble with said murlocs.
We made it through this flight, but on the next bit Paladin #2 died, at level 8, to murlocs.
My spouse had almost all of his murloc fins, for a quest, so I brought out my level 7 tailor to help him finish.
He made it, then was done for the night. I can’t let my tailor die, so I created Paladin #3 and got her to level 7. She can move forward with LP, till he’s Pattipounder’s level (11) and off we go.
I had sufficient fun with Blaugust that I’ve pre-written a few things for September already. For me, writing every day makes it easier to write more often.
Good luck with your last day, last post. Atheren