Dieselpunk Tabletop RPGs - dicegeeks

Dieselpunk RPGs! Here’s my collection of dieselpunk tabletop role-playing games and resources.

Tomorrow City: Dieselpunk Roleplaying

Tomorrow City: Dieselpunk Roleplaying

From DriveThruRPG: “Tomorrow City is a roleplaying game of dark science and dieselpunk action. Swift and simple character creation and an easy-to-learn dice pool system places the emphasis on unique personalities and the momentum of the plot. Join the Underground and fight the crime and corruption at the heart of the city. Sell your dieselpunk tech, occult knowledge, and sheer grit as troubleshooters for mysterious paymasters. Hunt down spies, saboteurs, and science-run-amok. As weary sky rangers, fringe scientists, and radium-powered veterans, you might be all that stands between a better tomorrow and no tomorrow at all.”

Age of Steel

Age of Steel

From DriveThruRPG: “Age of Steel is a dieselpunk roleplaying game set in the world of Neres; a world not unlike our own in the first few decades of the 20th century. Neres has just emerged from its first global conflict; the ‘Great War’ in which hundreds of thousands of men and women died in the mud and horror of the trenches.”

Age of Steel is a well-supported RPG with many supplements. Here are a few.

Other Dieselpunk RPGs and Resources

Dieselpunk Genre Origins

“Dieselpunk is a retrofuturistic subgenre of science fiction similar to steampunk or cyberpunk that combines the aesthetics of the diesel-based technology of the interwar period through to the 1950s with retro-futuristic technology and postmodern sensibilities.” – Wikipedia

Dieselpunk was coined to describe the role-playing game Children of the Sun in 2001.

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