GI Sprint kicks off tomorrow, full speaker line-up details

GI Sprint, a new editorial special from, begins tomorrow and offers three weeks of video panels, podcasts, interviews and more to help developers make games cheaper, faster and better.
In the face of rising development costs, we’ve spoken to an array of experts about a range of subjects that will help studios improve the efficiency of their businesses and development processes. This special will run until Friday, July 5.
We kick off tomorrow with a keynote interview featuring games veteran and former PlayStation boss Shawn Layden, who speaks about the unsustainability of AAA video games and why it needs rethinking.
This session will be available as a video as well as a podcast, with an article collecting the highlights from Layden’s interview due to go live around the same time.
Other sessions you can look forward to include:

An interview with IO Interactive’s CTO Ulas Karademir on his return to the Hitman developer and his approach to making games faster and better (Article)
The art of failing fast: A panel with Rami Ismail, FreeLives’ Dominique Gawlowski and Ant Workshop’s Tony Gowland on the importance of getting things wrong quickly (Video, Podcast, Article)
How AI can (and cannot) speed up game development, with AI experts Tommy Thompson, Sean Cooper, Aleena Chia, Lauren Maslen and Lucie Migne (Video, Podcast, Article)
King’s Sahar Asadi on how the Candy Crush developer uses AI to speed up development (Article)
Team Sync’s Graham McAllister on why the concept stage is the most important one to get right when it comes to team efficiency (Video, Podcast, Article)
Schell Games’ Jesse Schell on the advantages of keeping a lean team and the art of scaling up and down carefully (Video, Podcast, Article)

You can find out more about GI Sprint and the full schedule over at our dedicated microsite.
GI Sprint will take place between June 17th – July 5th, and will conclude with a free White Paper collating some of the best articles and top tips from across the project.
Various sponsorship packages are available for GI Sprint. Contact for more details.

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