Pretty Boy takes over Handsome Jack’s casino, only to meet a painful end in a robotic suit.
Tyreen Calypso drains power from others to achieve her goal of becoming omnipotent.
Susan Coldwell’s scheme to control people for money cements her as a selfish corporate killer.
The universe of Borderlands can be cut-throat. With bandits, psychos, and vault hunters crawling over each other to get at any loot in the manic looter-shooter, it can be easy to lose track of whom the truly monstrous characters are.
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Some are much more selfish than others, though, and the characters that cause problems for players, time and time again, take the lead in acting in their own self-interest. Here are the five characters that reveal themselves as the most selfish characters in the Borderlands games.
5 Pretty Boy
Handsome Jack’s Court Jester, Turned Mech Pilot
Moxxi’s Heist Of The Handsome Jackpot – December 19th 2019
Pretty Boy appears in the Borderlands 3 DLC, ‘Moxxi’s Heist Of The Handsome Jackpot’ as the main villain. Fans who are on the lookout for any lore about the character will discover that Handsome Jack decided that Pretty Boy’s face was funny and made the man his court jester.
Pretty Boy now occupies the VIP Tower in Jack’s casino, having taken over the casino following his old master’s death. Pretty Boy’s desperate attempts to defeat the Vault Hunters lead to him donning the Jackpot suit, a huge robotic suit of armor made in Handsome Jack’s likeness. Trading money for emergency medical procedures within the Jackpot, Pretty Boy assumes that money can buy anything. This leads to his painful death within the Jackpot after a hectic combat.
4 Tyreen Calypso
Vampiric Siren Who Drains Her Enemies
Borderlands 3 Released September 13, 2019
Tyreen is the main enemy for players in Borderlands 3, being the God-Queen worshiped by her cult, The Children Of The Vault. While she broadcasts her brutality and violence to the denizens of Pandora, she also defines herself as a character who drains the power of others to grow in her abilities. This usually kills her victims.
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Her main goal in Borderlands 3 is to open the Great Vault and drain it to increase her siren powers and become essentially omnipotent. Uncaring of who she has to leech off of to achieve her goals, and with an end goal of total domination, Tyreen is in a league of her own when it comes to her level of power and holds her own against the other most selfish characters in the series.
3 Susan Coldwell
Corporate Killer
New Tales From the Borderlands Released October 21, 2022
Another main antagonist, this one from the New Tales From The Borderlands game, Susan Coldwell is the Chairwoman of the Tediore firearm company. The plot of New Tales From The Borderlands focuses on a band of people caught in the crossfire when Coldwell sends troops to invade the planet of Promethea. When the player uncovers a strange relic that can heal people it is stolen by Coldwell and her evil plot is revealed.
Susan’s scheme revolves around torturing whole planets of people by killing them and resurrecting them continually to force them to part with their money and bring them under her control. This horrific plan ensures Susan Coldwell is a sign of the capitalist scramble for the Vaults tearing apart whole planets and cementing her as a selfish example of corporate greed.
2 Handsome Jack
The Most Infamous Enemy
Borderlands 2 Released September 18, 2012
One of the stars of the show in Borderlands 2, Borderlands The Pre-Sequel, and even Tales Of The Borderlands, Handsome Jack is the epitome of an evil villain. Players love to hate this greedy, power-hungry man, and for good reason. We see his descent into villainy through the pre-sequel but by the time of Borderlands 2, Jack has fallen into corruption and chaos.
Jack traps his daughter, Angel, in a containment field to help him open a vault, torturing her to charge the Vault key. He massacres whole settlements of innocents. He is the face of a mega-corporation that is occupying and ransacking the whole planet of Pandora. In the opening of Borderlands 2, he attempts to kill the player characters to take them out of the equation early. His unhinged chase for power and money is nearly unstoppable.
1 Marcus Kincaid
No Refunds!
Borderlands Released October 20, 2009
It is telling that the narrator who brings the players through the narrative of the whole series, Marcus, is also the most selfish and devious of the characters. His greed is perfectly exemplified by his character introduction screen, ‘No Refunds!’ as he is an arms dealer who appears in every game as a vendor of weapons and ammunition. Marcus would kill before he would relinquish any money and often does.
Some of his crazy requests in his side missions have included finding a human spine to upgrade his vending machine, selling arms to cruel bandits and murderous cults and even blowing up the competition to ensure he maintains a monopoly. Players should be glad to be allied with Marcus Kincaid, as those on his bad side will often find themselves with targets painted on their backs in the cheapest available paint.
4:20 MORE Every Borderlands Game, Ranked The Borderlands franchise has tons of incredible games for players to explore, but some entries are more entertaining than others.