Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!, also known as Project Sekai Colorful Stage has announced the removal of 2 TUYU songs from the game in all regions.
In an post made on the game’s official website and X account, the developers of Project Sekai announced that they will remove 2 songs from the game, both produced by TUYU, a Japanese music unit.
Regional version of Project Sekai, such as the Global and Korean versions, have also announced the upcoming removal of the songs via in-game announcements.
This comes after Japanese news sites reported that Pusu, a member of the trio was arrested for an attempted murder of this teenage girlfriend by stabbing her with a kitchen knife.
Image Credit: TUYU
Before the incident occurred, TUYU had officially announced that they would go on indefinite hiatus after their 2024 live tour.
The following songs will be removed from Project Sekai and will no longer be playable in a future update:
When the Morning Glories Fall
What Kind of Ending Do You Want?
Videos of the songs posted on Project Sekai’s YouTube channel will be unlisted at a future date.
An announcement will be made in the future by the Project Sekai developers for the game’s maintenance update to remove the songs. Additionally, the removal of the songs from YouTube and other music streaming sites will be announced and performed on another date.
Hatsune Miku Colorful StagePublisher: SegaDeveloper: SEGARelease Date: 2021-12-07Android, iOS
Find your true feelings! A mysterious song named “Untitled” with no melody or lyrics is passed around amongst the youth in Shibuya, Tokyo. This song unlocks access to “SEKAI” a strange place that allows everyone to discover their true emotions and their own song.
Play with Hatsune Miku and her Virtual Friends, as well as an original cast of 20 characters overcoming their struggles through the power of music.
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