Dancing Shoes is a puzzle designed by Goh Pit Khiam, who is famous for very clever packing puzzles that usually have a nice twist.This one is no exception to that rule :)May Goh puzzles have been made in wood by Tom Lensch, but not sure is this puzzle has ever been made by Tom, so I guess this 3D printed version that Puzzle Master is selling is the only copy of Dancing Shoes.The goal is to put all the pieces flat in the tray without overlaping the pieces. Having saying that (and that no force is required!), it’s up to you how to arrange the pieces! But you will soon realize that you need to think outside the box. Goh designed some time ago more or less a similar puzzle and even if Dancing Shoes does not have the same appearance , I thought that the solving process should be more or less the same….and guess what: I was right !! That does not mean I solved in within a minute. It still did not take me hours.The solving process is smooth and very enjoyable. I am sure that it may take long long time for a non experienced puzzler as it requires a trick that may be natural for a seasoned puzzler!Whether you like Goh’s puzzles and/or packing puzzles and/or puzzles with a twist, you won’t be disappointed at all.You can buy this puzzle on Puzzle Master Webshop!