Redhead64's Obscure Puzzle Blog!: PUZZLE #488: Gryptics 8



This puzzle contains a word or phrase suggested by Patron M. Sean Molley. Support me on Patreon at $15 or more per month to suggest one word or phrase for me to put into a puzzle every month!Before I get to the puzzle proper, I just wanted a quick moment to note that this is my 1,000th post on this site! And not only that, my 500th puzzle is coming soon, too so be sure to look out for that as well! But before that happens, here are the directions to my 488th puzzle:Insert a single letter in each space of each grid so that each grid’s five rows and five columns spells a word from left to right or top to bottom (including the letters outside the grid).Once you’re done, take a word from the first grid and a word from the second grid and pair them up to get the FINAL ANSWER: the name of a cartoon character who would be perfect for Earth DayOnce you believe you’ve figured out the FINAL ANSWER, send it to either or (though I’m more likely to check the second one) and I’ll put your name on a solvers list once I post the answers in about two weeks. You can also use those email addresses to give me some comments and feedback (or even ask for a hint, though you’ll be marked as having used one if you do so) or send me the answer to last week’s puzzle, if you haven’t already figured it out. If you have a printer and want to solve this puzzle on paper, just head below the break for a link to a .PDF version which you can print out!

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