Puzzle Fanatics : Road Trip! (Look out thrift shops.)
Road Trip! (Look out thrift shops.)
Road trip!
It’s that time of year again, and I can’t wait to get started. Every summer possible for almost three decades now I’ve shifted my car into “wander” and hit the gas. Sometimes I have an ultimate destination in mind, and sometimes I don’t. This is going to be one of those “let’s see what happens trips.”
I hope to head out Saturday morning in a general northwest direction, maybe heading toward Monument Valley (around the Arizona/Utah border), then perhaps toward the Wyoming Badlands, and finishing up with a stop at Mt. Rushmore before heading back to Houston. That’s something like 4000 miles, so I may not get it all in before my hotel budget runs dry…and that’s where the wandering comes in. I really hate packaged tours or even making hotel reservations before I’m ready to stop, so anything could happen. (I’ve been forced to drive several extra hours in search of shelter on more than one occasion, for instance.)
Anyway, this is all to say that my puzzle-building time is obviously going to be almost non-existent for well over a week beginning June 30 if things go as planned. I do plan to keep an eye out for thrift shops and museums that may add a puzzle or two to my collection, so I’ll keep my hand in that way. Too, I’m bringing a laptop with me, and WiFi willing, I plan to post here a few times regarding my whereabouts and progress on the trip. I have a good friend in Phoenix and another in central Wyoming, and with a little bit of luck, I’ll be able to check in with both of them along the way.
Road trip!