In Stardew Valley, there are a total of 45 residents. Among the residents of Pelican Town is the beautiful blonde Haley. Beyond her initial frostiness, Haley is a gem of a person, with an affectionate and kind heart that cares deeply. As such, players want to get to know Haley better and deepen their friendship with her. Engaging in heartfelt conversation and sharing gifts is the key to building long-lasting relationships in Stardew Valley.

Related Stardew Valley: Best Gifts for Penny Discover Penny’s favorite gifts in Stardew Valley to win over her heart.
In Stardew Valley, Haley is a passionate photographer with an eye for capturing the essence of the Valley’s natural wonders. Similar to other NPCs in the game, Haley can be given up to two gifts each week and an additional one on her birthday: Spring 14. Gifts given on her birthday will be eight times more effective in increasing Haley’s friendship with the players.

Updated June 17th, 2024, by Alexandra O’Leary: Stardew Valley has captured the hearts of gamers around the world, redefining the farming simulator genre and drawing in players from all corners of the industry. The dedication and care developer ConcernedApe has shown has kept players coming back, and the recent Stardew Valley 1.6 Update is further evidence of this.

One of the biggest appeals of the game is the opportunity to romance the variety of bachelors and bachelorettes who live in the valley. In order to begin a relationship, players need to continually raise their hearts with the chosen NPC until their interactions become romantic. An effective and easy way to do so is by giving gifts, and nowhere will that prove more useful than with tricky bachelorette Haley. At the best of times, Haley isn’t exactly pleasant and can be one of the more challenging characters to romance. But with a trusty guide, players can gradually steer themselves into her heart.

Haley’s Loved Gifts

Unlike most other characters in Stardew Valley, Haley is very particular and selective about the types of gifts she wants. When receiving something she loves, Haley will say, “Oh my god, this is my favorite thing!”. All Stardew Valley characters have a list of favorite items, but Haley’s list is particularly short and very specific, which only increases how difficult she is to romance. Including All Universal Loves (except Prismatic Shard), Haley loves being gifted the following items:

While Haley dislikes all fruits in Stardew Valley, she absolutely loves being gifted Coconuts. The Coconut is an edible seed of the coconut palm with plenty of culinary uses. Players can get coconuts by Foraging in the Calico Desert. Shaking palm trees on Ginger Island also drops coconuts. To shake a tree, players simply need to stand next to it and right-click on it.

For those players who haven’t unlocked Ginger Island yet, they can get their hands on Coconuts at The Oasis on Mondays for 400 g. They can also be found in The Traveling Cart’s stock for 300–1,000 g.

Fruit Salad
As it is a delicious combination of summer fruits, the Fruit Salad is prepared with the following ingredients: 1 Blueberry,1 Melon, and 1 Apricot. The recipe for this delightful dish is sourced from Stardew Valley’s cooking show “The Queen of Sauce.” It was shared in an episode that aired on Fall 7, Year 2.

The Fruit Salad is a cooked dish, and hence, can only be prepared inside the kitchen of an upgraded farmhouse or by using a Cookout Kit. Once crafted, players can gift it to Haley to win over her heart.

Even though the description calls it ‘a combination of summer fruits,’ Apricot Trees produce Apricots only in the Spring.

Pink Cake
Haley loves Pink Cake with little heart candies on top. Players can prepare a cake using the kitchen inside an upgraded farmhouse or by using a Cookout Kit. The recipe is shared in a “Queen Of Sauce” episode aired on Summer 21, Year 2. The ingredients required for a Pink Cake are 1 Melon, 1 Wheat Flour, and 1 Sugar.

For players with a male character, a Pink Cake can be received in the mail, enclosed in a Letter from Mom. This will only happen after the player earns 120,000 g. Pink Cakes are also received as a gift at the Feast of the Winter Star. Another way to get Pink Cake is by defeating Big Slimes crawling around Floors 40+ in the Mines and any floor in the Skull Cavern. These slimes have a 0.1% chance of dropping Pink Cake when slain. Players are also rewarded with 3 Pink Cakes for completing the Chef’s Bundle on the Bulletin Board.

Sunflowers are bright yellow flowers that are grown from Sunflower Seeds. When planted in either Summer or Fall, Sunflower Seeds take up to 8 days to produce a large Sunflower.

Sunflower Seeds can be purchased at Pierre’s General Store for 200 g and JojaMart for 125 g. This makes Sunflower Seeds the only seeds that are cheaper at JojaMart than at the General Store. Players can occasionally find Sunflower Seeds at the Traveling Cart for 100–1000 g.

Harvesting a Sunflower also drops 1 Sunflower and 0-2 Sunflower Seeds.

Related Stardew Valley: How Many Days Per Season Are There Discover the duration of each season in Stardew Valley and plan accordingly to optimize harvests.

Haley’s Liked Gifts

Players who want to woo Haley from the beginning of the game and can’t wait till Summer to get their hands on her Loved gifts can give Haley something she really likes instead. Including All Universal Likes (except Vegetables), Haley likes being gifted Daffodils – making her one of the few characters in the game to only have one item listed under their specific likes. When she receives something she likes, Haley exclaims, “*gasp…* for me? Thank you!”

A Daffodil is a traditional spring flower that makes a wonderful gift for Haley. Players can get their hands on Daffodils by Foraging through several spots around Stardew Valley during Spring. To forage Daffodils and grow them using Spring Seeds, players need to reach Foraging Level 1.

While Daffodils are not sold in any shops around Pelican Town, players can purchase them on one special occasion. Ten Daffodils can be purchased from Pierre’s Booth at The Flower Dance for 50 g. The Flower Dance takes place every year on Spring 24.

Universal Loves

Since Haley is so picky about her character-specific items, knowing the Universal Loves of all Stardew characters is very useful. While they’re not as thoughtful as her unique favorite gifts, in a pinch, players can give these to Haley to still win some points towards that ever important fourteen-heart event. Unsurprisingly, Haley is one of only two characters who have an item on the Universal Loves list that they do not love: a Prismatic Shard. Players should steer clear of giving that to Haley at any point as it’s on her hated list.

Stardrop Tea
Introduced in the 1.6 update, Stardrop Tea can be acquired from the Prize Machine in the Mayor’s Manor; received as a reward from the Racoon that lives in the giant stump in Cindersnap Forest; spawn a golden chest when fishing, or as the reward for finishing the Helper’s Bundle on the remixed Bullietin Board. This rare item gives the player a staggering 250 friendship points – which is the equivalent of one whole heart.

Golden Pumpkin
A Golden Pumpkin is one of the easier items to obtain, but it doesn’t come around that often. This fancy gourd can be found at the Spirit’s Eve Festival in the center of the maze. It will spawn every year so players can obtain multiple, but they’ll have to be patient. It may also spawn in Mystery Boxes and Artifact Troves, but the drop rate is very low which makes it an unreliable source.

Magic Rock Candy
Like all Universal Loves, Magic Rock Candy is not easy to get a hold of. The 1.6 update has made it slightly easier, since this fancy treat can now be purchased during the Desert Festival on Spring 15th, 16th, and 17th. It can also be bought from the Desert Trader in exchange for three prismatic shards. It can also be won in the Prize Machine, dropped by Haunted Skulls, or found in a Mystery Box.

Pearls are exactly what they seem, special treasures formed by the sea that can be given as a lovely gift. It doesn’t serve any special purpose, other than being used in the sewing machine to make a bridal veil, so finding a pearl isn’t quite as rare as some of the other items on this list. Pearls can be found in golden fishing treasure chests, in mystery boxes, from the Mermaid Boat at the night market, asa reward for reaching the gold tier at SquidFest, gifted by Willy for filling the crab pond, or as a reward for solving the sixth journal scrap on Ginger Island.

A Rabbit’s Foot is one of the more deceptive items in the game as it suggests that it might increase the player’s luck, which is actually a lie. Wearing a Rabbit’s Foot does not make the player more lucky, which means it’s far more useful when given away. Players have a bit more control over how often they obtain a Rabbit’s Foot, since they’re dropped by happy rabbits, which players can purchase for their farm. It’s also sold at the Traveling Cart, for a hefty fee.

Related Stardew Valley: 13 Mods That Add Marriage Candidates For Stardew Valley players looking for more marriage candidates, these mods will give them significantly more options.

Hated Items

While it’s important to know the items Haley adores, it’s equally important to be aware of the ones she absolutely hates. Players will want to stay away from these items at all costs, and be careful not to hold them when trying to speak to her – since accidentally gifting one to her will undo all that hard work. Despite her selective nature, luckily there aren’t too many specific items Haley hates:

Clay Prismatic Shard Wild Horseradish All Fish All Universal Hates (with no exceptions)

Stardew Valley Released February 26, 2016 Developer(s) ConcernedApe Genre(s) RPG , Simulation Multiplayer Local Multiplayer , Online Multiplayer

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