The Medium class in The Finals isn’t exactly a jack-of-all-trades, but their general effectiveness in all combat scenarios makes them very strong in the hands of a skilled player. They can do the jobs of the other classes to some degree, but they shine best when they perform the roles they were designed for.

Related The Finals: Crossplay Guide Crossplay greatly broadens the matchmaking pool in The Finals, but there are some things about it that players may want to know about.
With its versatile set of guns and gear, the Medium class can be built to fit a number of different roles. The following setups are some of the most useful ones new players can learn to use in The Finals, and they aren’t that shabby in competitive play, either.

Updated June 15, 2024 by Marc Santos: As far as balance changes go, the Medium class received buffs to a few of their weapons and some of their gadgets. Overall, the class still plays and feels the same as it did before, but now, players now have more options to use in their loadout before hopping onto a match. All the builds in this guide remain viable in the Season 3 meta, but for those who are interested, a new section has been added to include the balance changes introduced by the new patch, as well as a new build featuring the Dual Blades weapon for Mediums.

What’s New For Mediums In Season 3?

Apart from the new content drop in The Finals Season 3, Mediums received a number of small buffs to two underperforming weapons, namely the FAMAS and the CL-40. Players who found the FAMAS to be a little too hard to control should have an easier time with the gun’s improved recoil recovery and damage (bullet damage per hit was increased from 23 to 24). Meanwhile, the CL-40 grenade launcher now fires faster, but it deals less damage.

The Glitch Trap and Motion Sensor got reworked. Instead of being simple proximity devices, they now require line of sight to trigger. Players will no longer be able to squeeze traps and sensors in small areas and expect them to do their job. Now, enemy players will continuously be affected by Glitch Trap and Motion Sensor as long as the gadgets can “see” them.

Lastly, Healing Beam was replaced by Guardian Turret as the Medium’s default Specialization, and Glitch Trap is now one of the class’ default gadgets.

The Finals Medium Build: Combat Medic

Combat Medic Build Weapon AKM, FCAR, or R .357 Specialization Healing Beam Equipment Pyro Grenade, Jump Pad, Defibrillator

The default loadout for the Medium class is already exceptional for all encounters, and the Medium has access to some of the top weapons in The Finals. They can deal amazing close-mid-range DPS with the AKM and keep their team alive with the Healing Beam and Defibrillator. The only thing different with this build is that Frag Grenade is replaced by Pyro Grenade. Not only can the latter stop enemies from stealing cashouts, but it can also destroy Goo and dissipate toxic gas clouds.

This build excels in medium range engagements, especially if you choose to go with either the revolver or the FCAR. The AKM is generally better than both of these weapons since it has more ammo and doesn’t require as much precision, making it easier to use by comparison.

Point Defender Medium Build

Point Defender Medium Build Weapon Model 1887 or CL-40 Specialization Guardian Turret Equipment Gas Mine, Goo Grenade, Flex pick

This is a specialized loadout that focuses on guarding cashout stations instead of keeping the team alive by using mines, Goo, and turrets. Enemies will have a staggeringly difficult time stealing cashouts with all the area denial tools provided by this build.

Guardian Turrets can cover the team’s back or act as an extra gun during cashout station fights. Stick one of these on the ceiling so they don’t get hit by explosives or Glitch Grenades as often. You can also place them in an adjacent room to stall the enemy’s advance. Meanwhile, Goo Grenades can impede the movement of enemies by blocking entrances and forcing them to use their utilities early, leaving them without any tactical gadgets for the actual firefight. They can also be used to create cover in outdoor cashout station spawns or funnel enemies toward Gas Mines.

As for weapons, the Model 1887 shotgun is devastating up close and surprisingly reliable from 10-15m meters away. Players can bypass its lengthy reload by shooting as soon as a new shell is loaded, giving it virtually zero downtime. Alternatively, the point defense role is great for a CL-40 build. The grenade launcher is great for suppressing enemies and chipping away at their health bars from relative safety. Since its reload can also be canceled by firing early, players can continuously rain down grenades until an enemy dies or the floor beneath their target breaks.

Mid-Range Offensive Skirmisher

Mid-Range Offensive Skirmisher Build Weapon FAMAS Specialization Dematerializer Equipment Frag Grenade, Jump Pad, Pyro Grenade

This build makes full use of the new toys the Medium class received in the second season of The Finals. The FAMAS cements itself as the deadliest mid-ranged assault rifle the class has so far, capable of picking off targets from afar with its low recoil and near-pinpoint accuracy, but it suffers in close range where its relatively long burst delay makes every missed shot more punishing than usual.

Meanwhile, the Dematerializer finally allows the Medium class to manipulate terrain. Use it to cut holes in walls and open up new pathways or lines of fire. This gadget can also be used to deny areas by opening floors, causing would-be attackers to fall.

For equipment, use offensive grenades like frags and pyros to pressure enemies into making mistakes. Your selection of grenades will likely change from match to match, though, so stay on your toes and adapt to the situation as necessary.

Dual Blades Build

Medium Dual Blades Build Weapon Dual Blades Specialization Dematerializer Equipment Flashbang, Jump Pad, Frag Grenade

Season 3 introduced the Dual Blades, a new addition to The Finals’ growing arsenal that can block and deflect enemy bullets. It doesn’t have the same level of protection as the Riot Shield (you still take a small amount of damage when you block), but players can potentially knock out their opponents with it if they can deflect enough shots back at them.

Due to the Medium class having neither the speed of Lights nor the health of Heavies, players will need to be more clever when using the Dual Blades. Flashbangs and the Dematerializer are great for ambush tactics, and Frag Grenades provide players with a ranged source of damage that’s good for flushing out camping enemies.

The Finals Developer(s) Embark Studios Multiplayer Online Multiplayer

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