Unleash the Beast! (by Chandi Deitmer!)

PDFPUZSOLUTION to the last puzzleIf anything was going to wake this site up from its long-dormant state, it would be a tweet like this:Anyone feel like hosting a very silly puz I wrote ages ago? Will make zero sense unless obsessed with arrested development— chandzzz (@CDeitmer) April 15, 2022
So, I’m excited to bring you a guest puzzle by Chandi Deitmer, who you may recognize from her bylines in all types of outlets that sell good puzzles. She’s one of the best in the business right now IMO (this from Crucinova, this from the NYT, and her Boswords joint are all what I would call “absolute heaters”), so it’s an honor to be hosting the puzzle. Arrested Development-heads… this is our time.And, some words from Chandi!I have been a fan of paolo’s work since basically knowing crosswords are in the world, so it is very very special to be hosted on GTD today! this is also a helpful way to cope with the fact that he moved away from cambridge and I no longer have the chance of randomly running into him. (did I run into him ever? no I did not, but there was always the POSSIBILITY.) a hearty congratulations to the new grad, and a big thanks for his kindness in hosting this very silly puzz and offering his keen editing eye 👀👀. on a very personal, soul-bearing note, my favorite moment in all of culture is when Michael says to Gob, “Forgot you were married? Quick, Gob, what’s her name?!?!?” and he responds with … “Crindy!” happy solve, ya nice nerds!

By admin

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