Using 2D20 to Represent Larger-scale Tactics in the Star Trek Adventures RPG -

Using 2D20 dice to represent larger-scale tactics in the Star Trek Adventures RPG can streamline and simplify fleet engagements while maintaining a sense of scale and drama. Here’s how you might adapt the 2D20 system for larger-scale tactics:

1. Abstract Fleet Units

Instead of tracking individual ships in detail, represent groups of ships as single units or abstract entities. For example, you might have a “task force” or “wing” consisting of several ships.

2. Scale-Based Difficulty

Assign a difficulty rating to each fleet unit based on its size and capabilities. Larger and more powerful fleets might have higher difficulty ratings, reflecting their ability to withstand attacks and execute complex maneuvers.

3. Combined Rolls

When engaging in large-scale tactics, combine the rolls of multiple ships into a single 2D20 roll. Use the highest attributes and disciplines available in the fleet unit to determine the success rate.


A Federation task force led by a Galaxy-class ship with excellent tactical officers might have a high combined Control + Security score.

4. Task Types

Define different types of tasks for fleet engagements, such as “Engage Enemy,” “Defend Position,” “Perform Reconnaissance,” or “Coordinate Maneuvers.” Each task type can have specific effects and outcomes.

5. Momentum and Threat

Use Momentum and Threat to represent the shifting tides of battle. Fleet-level actions might generate more Momentum or Threat, which can be spent to influence the larger tactical picture.

6. Extended Tasks for Key Objectives

For crucial objectives, such as disabling a flagship or breaking through a blockade, use extended tasks. Each successful roll progresses the task, while complications might represent setbacks like losing ships or unexpected enemy reinforcements.

Example Scenario: Fleet Battle


Federation Task Force: Commanded by a Galaxy-class ship, includes several smaller ships.

Klingon Battle Group: Commanded by a Vor’cha-class ship, includes several Birds-of-Prey.

Abstract Units:

Federation Task Force (Difficulty 4)

Klingon Battle Group (Difficulty 3)

Actions and Rolls:

Engage Enemy:

The Federation Task Force attempts to engage the Klingon Battle Group.

Roll 2D20 using the highest applicable attributes and disciplines (e.g., Control + Security of the task force commander).

Spend Momentum or Threat to represent additional support or unexpected maneuvers.

Success reduces the Klingon Battle Group’s effectiveness, adding complications to their next action.

Defend Position:

The Klingon Battle Group tries to hold a strategic position.

Roll 2D20 using applicable attributes and disciplines.

Success maintains their position and potentially forces the Federation to adjust their tactics.

Extended Task – Disable Flagship:

The Federation Task Force aims to disable the Klingon flagship.

Set a work track and difficulty for the extended task.

Each roll represents a concerted effort by the task force to target critical systems on the flagship.

Accumulate successes to complete the extended task, with complications representing counterattacks or unexpected difficulties.

Example Dice Rolls:

Federation Engage Enemy:

Players buy 2D20 with momentum. Roll 4D20: Total successes = 4 (against Difficulty 4, a success).

Effect: The Klingon Battle Group suffers complications, reducing their effectiveness.

Klingon Defend Position:

Roll 2D20: Total successes = 2 (against Difficulty 3, a failure).

Effect: The Federation Task Force gains a tactical advantage.

Extended Task – Disable Flagship:

Work Track: 15

Difficulty: 3

Roll 2D20 (or more with die purchases) each round to accumulate successes, reducing the work track until the task is completed.

By abstracting fleet units and focusing on combined rolls and extended tasks, you can represent large-scale tactics in Star Trek Adventures RPG without getting bogged down in the minutiae of individual ship actions. This approach keeps the narrative dynamic and engaging, reflecting the complexity and scale of fleet engagements in the Star Trek universe.

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