What about some cast puzzles by Hanayama?

 Quick reviews for nice Hanayama cast puzzles !! Cast CoilOnly 2 pieces to remove, but never underestimate seemingly easy cast puzzle. You will have to “perform” many moves and pieces will be like dancing around each other. A very clever puzzle designed by Edi Nagata.Did I tell you that I usually like when the puzzles is composed of different colors, it looks more stunning!  Cast KeyholeThis puzzle has been designed Vesa Timonen and it’s like a maze pattern that you have to solve to separate the pieces. I don’t know if it’s Vesa or Oskar the guy with more Hanayama puzzle, but definitely Vesa designed a lot of them and I am sure he will still have more clever ideas for future cast puzzles 🙂    Cast HexagonIt’s a puzzle designed by Mineyuki Uyematsu consisting of 3 pieces to free. The shape of the “tray” and of the pieces makes this puzzle unique in my mind. Ithave tricky moves and challenging to solve. Precision is a key word for this puzzle in terms of crafting the puzzle and solving it, no force needed. Gentle moves and maybe rotations or dancing moves? You will have to figure out, but I am sure you will have fun with it. Definitely a must-have in your collection! You can buy them on Puzzle Master webshop, but you definitely should go for bundles if you intend to buy a lot in one shot!

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