Xdefiant sniper aiming from distance

Recently we’ve seen an anti-mobility sentiment emerge from the XDefiant fanbase. Things have become bad enough that players are blocking others who utilise these mechanics to avoid getting them in their games again. A recent discussion on the XDefiant subreddit has shed light on the use of the game’s “block” feature. The main purpose of blocking is to prevent unwanted interactions with players. Some users are using it to manipulate the matchmaking system. “For the last 4 days, I’ve been blocking everyone who abuses the movement and now I’m starting to have fun balanced games”.  This frustration is caused because of players who ‘exploit’ movement mechanics. By blocking them, they hope to create a pool of opponents with similar playstyles. The block works when both players block each other, but these players are now resorting to sending messages to the other party to have them block back.
Some seek balance but others might be using blocking as a way to avoid skilled players. Another user said, “even in my bad games I still go positive with a lot of support and obj points.” This suggests a desire for less competitive matches, prioritizing wins over facing stronger opponents and improving their skills.  This approach to blocking raises concerns for XDefiant’s future. Blocking shrinks the pool of available players, leading to more wait times for matches. Also by constantly encountering similar opponents, players might not be exposed to different playstyles and strategies. This hinders their growth and leads to a stagnant skill level within certain blocked groups, but some players are content with this sort of casual setup.
Developers should consider alternative solutions to address concerns raised by players who block for “balance.” Clearly there’s a big gap between the playstyles of those using mobility and those who hate even seeing it in their games. If you want to test your game knowledge, test if you can Can You Name Every XDefiant Map? and check out the available XDefiant Codes? (June 2024). 

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